2024 Workshop Weekend 27 & 28 July

Free Workshops

workshop program

Carol Crowe REBUS


Carol Crowe exhibition

Carol Crowe silk paintings

Emily Campbell Stencil and Print

Carol Crowe REBUS

Carol Crowe REBUS

Carol Crowe REBUS

Mother Hookers teaching crochet

Mother Hookers workshop

Jo Thorpe

Children Pop-Art workshop with Jo Thorpe

booking a workshop place

Jo Thorpe workshop

Chris Campbell

Carol Crowe stained glass design

Carol Crowe stained glass panel

Chris Campbell Stencil and Print workshop

Rosie Smith watercolour workshop

Mother Hookers workshop

Pauline Venables Puppet Show

Carol Crowe REBUS

Ciaran Boyle informal sessions

Ciaran Boyle

Ciaran Boyle